Patent for invention
Invention -
is a technical solution in any area related to a product (in particular, a device, a substance, a strain of a microorganism, a culture of a plant or animal cells) or a method (a process of performing actions on a material object using material means), including the use of a product or method for a specific purpose (Article 1350 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
To be recognized as an invention, the corresponding technical solution must meet the conditions of patentability as follows:
— novelty (not to be known from the prior art),
— an inventive step (not to be obvious for a person skilled in the art),
— an industrial applicability (can be used in industry, agriculture, healthcare, other sectors of the economy or in the social sphere).
NOT receive legal protection as inventions
— discoveries,
— scientific theories,
— mathematical methods,
— solutions relating only to the appearance of products,
— rules and methods of games, intellectual or economic activities
— computer programs,
— plant varieties, animal breeds.
The right to an invention arises at its state registration with Rospatent. The document confirming the right to an invention is a patent certificate. The patent for invention is valid for 20 years.
The procedure for obtaining a patent for an invention:

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