International trademark registration
A trademark is only valid in the territory in which it was registered. If you want to do international business, you need to apply for international trademark registration. This can be done either by contacting the patent attorney of the country you are interested in directly, or by filing an application under the Madrid system. The first way is more expedient to use if the number of countries of your interest is small. If you want to register your trademark simultaneously in a number of countries, it will be cheaper and more convenient to file just one application under the Madrid system, indicating all the countries you are interested in.
The patent attorneys of INEUREKA have great experience in filing international applications and extensive connections with patent attorneys in many countries, so they can assist in registering an international trademark in the shortest possible time and at an affordable price.
Advantages of workig with Ineureka
The possibility of
patenting your developments
around the world
Consultations of the best patent attorneys
Ability to register trademarks worldwide
The optimum ratio of price and quality
Comprehensive package of business protection
Opportunity to
intellectual property