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Database Registration

A database is an objective form of presentation and organization of a collection of data (e.g., articles, calculations), systematized so that these data can be found and  processed by computer.

Databases are subject to copyright. According to the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, databases are granted legal protection as collections by virtue of their creation without any documentation. However, the mentioned law provides for the official registration of databases with the Russian Agency for the Legal Protection of Computer Programs, Databases and Topology of Integrated Circuits (RosAPO).

Required information to register the database:

1. Information about the applicant: for legal entities - TIN, OGRN, address, for individuals - passport data, address, telephone, e-mail, SNILS.

2. Full name of the authors, their passport details, date of birth, citizenship, a brief description of the creative contribution of each author.

3. Year of database creation, year of update.

4. If published: year and country of publication.


5. Deposited materials


6. Deposited materials identifying the database in PDF format. If the database submitted for registration contains audio or video materials, then examples of such materials are submitted in MP3, AVI, MPEG 2, JPEG formats


7. Abstract

​​ Abstract requirements:

The abstract should be presented in a simple and understandable language for a wide range of specialists in a particular field of knowledge. The abbreviations given in the abstract must be deciphered. The volume of the abstract should not exceed 900 characters.

​ Among the employees of INEUREKA there are patent attorneys who specialize in registration of computer programs. They will help you quickly and professionally register a computer program, taking into account all the nuances of working with the Russian Patent Office.

Advantages of workig with Ineureka

The possibility of
patenting your developments
around the world

Consultations of the best patent attorneys

Ability to register trademarks worldwide

The optimum ratio of price and quality

Comprehensive package of business protection

Opportunity to
intellectual property


Ezhevskiy Viktor

Chief Executive Officer, Managing Partner.

Tochilina Larisa Vasilievna

CFO, Partner.

Eroyan Viktor Rafael’evich

Deputy CEO,


Davydova Elena L’vovna

Deputy CEO, Partner. Head of the Patent Department.

Agaptsev Ivan Fyodorovich

Head of the Trademark Department. Patent Attorney of the Russian Federation.

Murashev Petr Mikhailovich

Head of the Department of Expertise and Judicial Protection. Forensic expert. 

Testimonials and certificates

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Уважаемый, Виктор Александрович! Выражаем сердечную благодарность всему коллективу ООО «ИНЭВРИКА» за профессионализм и четкую слаженную работу в плоскости сложнейших вопросов защиты интеллектуальной собственности. На протяжении трехлетнего сотрудничества наших организаций специалисты ООО «ИНЭВРИКА» находили пути решения, порой, безвыходных ситуаций, что приводило к неоднократным победам в трудоемких тяжелых судебных процессах. Отдельно хочется выделитъ работу Анны Викторовны Фаддеевой и Петра Михайловича Мурашева, чьи слаженные действия и оперативные совместные усилия заслуживают самой высокой оценки профессионалов своего дела. ООО НПП «Авис» надеется на долгое и плодотворное сотрудничество с Вашей организацией.


Commercial Director

Ostapenko A.A.
Trademarks registered by us:

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Phone: +7 (495) 369-10-36

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